Homokháti Portékák shop

We have created our site to get to know the "Homokhát Porték"s better. Our goal is to promote local products.

What can you buy from us?

Honey, wines, juices, jams, hot peppers, sea buckthorn and many more local specialties.

Let's see where and when they can meet the products:

  • Homokhát Portékák Shop (6782 Mórahalom, Móradomb boulevard 17-19.) Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm
  • Market Hall - Local Producers Market (6782 Mórahalom, Szentháromság tér 2.) Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday from 06:00 to 10:00
  • Elixír Medical Wellness Hotel (6782 Mórahalom, Millennium Promenade 2)
  • Park of the Thousand Years (6782 Mórahalom, Móradomb krt. 17-19.)
  • KOLO Cultural Center (6782 Mórahalom, Röszkei út 44.) - it is possible to see the products.

Kapcsolódó hírek, események