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The spa's medical services are provided by Móra-Vitál, a regional healthcare and social non-profit public benefit limited liability company.

Technical Information:

The Medical reception in Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Gyógyfürdő (Saint Elizabeth Thermal Spa) has ceased to exist.

Móra-Vital Regional Health Care and Social Nonprofit Public Benefit Limited Liability Company

Headquarters: 6782 Mórahalom, Szent László park 3.

Head: Dr. Balázs Pécsy, managing director

To receive treatments, appointments must be made in advance. Please request an appointment using one of the following contacts.

If needed, you can inquire with the dispatcher about any special equipment or clothing.

For outpatient specialist care and private health care offered by MÓRA MEDICAL Health Service Provider Kft., appointments must be made in advance. Appointments can be scheduled either by phone or in person at the Gyógyászati Recepció (Medical Reception). For more information about specialist orders, please visit the link below. For private orders, please contact one of the contacts provided.

For information about the clinic's opening hours, please visit the following page.

Spa treatments

During the Caracalla bath treatment, guests experience water jets massaging their bodies, accompanied by soothing light therapy for soul regeneration. The underwater massage promotes blood circulation and metabolism maintenance, leading to relaxation and mood enhancement.

The carbonated bath, as a specific tool for the medical treatment of heart patients, has been used as an additional medical treatment in the rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases since the German doctor Friedrich Wilhelm Beneke's study was published in 1870. Hungarian medicine has systematically used the carbonic acid bath for several decades, primarily in the rehabilitation treatment of peripheral vascular diseases, as well as in the treatment of post-infarction conditions.