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Family spill!

Dear Families, We would like to have a mini-series to make your time in Mórahalom even more unforgettable!

Hogy még felejthetetlenebb legyen a mórahalmi időtöltés!

TIP: Now, when you book your accommodation, you can also get a discounted spa entrance at the participating private accommodation facilities.

TIP: The children's spa section of the Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Spa offers a memorable experience for all ages. You can try the paddling pool, the elephant slide, but the water animal figures are also big favorites for children. Other family-friendly services are also available, such as a tea kitchen (with baby bottle warmer), a children's toilet or a changing room.

TIP: Ezer Év Parkja - a walk in the wonderland of Mórahalom. The models reveal the architectural symbols and historical monuments of historical Hungary on a two-hectare area. In addition to an experience similar to Gulliver's trips, it is possible to hide in the skin (clothes) of princesses, knights and warriors, which is a memorable program for the whole family with its uniqueness.

TIP: Bivaly Bowling Club and Bar is the place where young and old can find the most ideal form of entertainment for them. In addition to billiards and air hockey, a children's play corner awaits visitors.

TIP: Nagyszéksós-tó and Buffalo Reserve create a picturesque setting for a picnic. Its rich fauna and flora attract the attention of all small children, the braver ones have the opportunity to pet a buffalo. To crown the time spent there, we can also take photos at the photo wall.

TIP: Would you like to meet Mórahalom? Then „ÉRTÉK-es séta” útvonal is four you. Discover the city, have fun and a little reward awaits you for completing the tour! What do you have to do to do this? Capture every station with a photo and show it to us! Details can be found at the link!

TIP: You can choose from the colorful program offerings of the Horseshoe Equestrian and Outdoor Theater during the summer months. The special feature of the performances is that one of the important actors on the stage is the horses. Memories born here are often heard from children as well.https: //morahalom.optimaster.eu/

Detailed information:
Móra-Tourist Nonprofit Kft.
Tourist Office Mórahalom
Open: Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00
6782 Mórahalom, Tömörkény utca 3.
Phone: +36 (62) 660 710

E-mail: tdm@morahalom.hu

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